This is a very simple run down of everything I did from a basic Ubuntu 10.04 setup to get Django running on my server.
sudo apt-get install apache2
This will install apache on your server
- The httpd service should automatically be started. You can test it by going to the IP of your server (localhost if it is on your computer)
sudo apt-get install postgresql
This installs PostgresSQL 8.4.
I chose to use PostgreSQL. You may use different types of databases for your setup.
If you are not familiar with Postgres, please visit for more information.
We want to make sure that we can connect to postgres from localhost. While logged in to the machine with Postgres on it, do the following:
pico /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf
This will open the file where you will need to add access to localhost. Locate #listen_addresses = 'localhost' and remove the # symbol. This will tell postgres to allow connections to the databases as long as the connection is from that server.
We still have more ways to go. PostgreSQL has a server role of 'postgres' that we will use later to connect to the database. However, there is no password (or the password is unknown). We need to connect to it as an admin and change the password (we will also connect to a default database on postgres - 'template1'). The next step will be to change the password.
>#sudo -u postgres psql template1
>template1=#ALTER USER postgres with encrypted password 'your_password';
The confirmation to above will be 'ALTER ROLE' printed on it's own line. (Type \q to quit)
Now we want to use MD5 authentication for postgres
pico /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf
we scroll down to 'local all postgres ident' and change 'ident' to 'md5'
Now to reset the connection:
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 restart
To test the connection simply type
psql -U postgres
You will be prompted to enter the password, after which you will be in 'postgres'
Most of this information is from
- Install Django (2 options)
sudo apt-get install python-django
This will install Django 1.1.1 (depending on what version linux you are on). If you just want to play around it's fine. If you want to install a specific version of Django (as I needed to do), you have to do the following:
- Go to Django website ( )
- Find the exact download path of the version you need to download
- Use "wget"
- Use 'tar' command to extract the file.
* tar xzvf Django-1.2.7.tar.gz
* cd Django-1.2.7/
* sudo pyton install
- Go into the folder you extracted, and run "python install" - For some features in Django you might need more plugins such as psycopg2 (I believe* this step is optional for most)